Power Rangers is one of the longest-running franchises on television, spanning 29 seasons. With that longevity, and with a new set of heroes every season post-season six, the catalog of Rangers runs deep. Still, some of the strongest Power Rangers in the franchise come from its early runs.
You’ll see a lot of iconic “Sixth Rangers” on this list, like Tommy Oliver’s (Jason David Frank) Green Ranger, and the Magna Defender (who might not technically be a Ranger, but he is aligned with them nonetheless). And there will be plenty of Red Rangers on the list as well, seeming as they are usually, but not always, the strongest and the leader. Any time is the perfect time to delve back into the series’ iconic strong characters, who showcase a variety of skills proven through combat over the years.
Power Rangers
- Release Date
March 24, 2017
- Producers
Brent O’Connor
, Roberto Orci
, Wyck Godfrey
, Allison Shearmur
, Marty Bowen
, Brian Casentini - Runtime
124 minutes
Taylor Earnhardt: Wild Force Yellow Ranger
‘Power Rangers: Wild Force’ (2002)
Strength doesn’t always come from physical power. It can also come from knowledge, experience and capability. This is the case with the Power Rangers: Wild Force Yellow Ranger, Taylor Earnhardt (Alyson Kiperman). Thanks to her extensive Air Force training, Taylor is quick-witted and keeps situations under control for most of the time.
This Ranger should have taken the mantle as leader of the team and the proof is in the pudding. Her battle experience and situational awareness make her an incredible addition to the team and brings in a new type of strength: experience and knowledge.
Billy Cranston: Mighty Morphin Blue Ranger
‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ (1993)
Much like Taylor Earnhardt, Billy Cranston’s (David Yost) strength doesn’t just come from his Ranger abilities, but the power he has outside of his physical prowess. The most iconic part about his character is his brains. Billy is commonly considered the smartest Power Ranger introduced in the series so far, with his intellect being shown off as profound time and time again.
Without Billy’s smarts and quick wit, the Mighty Morphin team would have been destroyed ten times over. His genius has gotten them out of a lot of situations and overall aids the team in planning and executing said plans. Every team needs a brain behind them, and it doesn’t get much better than Billy Cranston.
Adam Park: Mighty Morphin Black Ranger (II), Green Zeo Ranger and Green Turbo Ranger
The Power Rangers Franchise
Adam Park (Johnny Yong Bosch) is a Ranger who has taken the mantle of multiple Rangers across the series and two different colors, at that. This young hero was present throughout three shows in the franchise. This is a huge testament to just how useful and powerful he is. His accomplishments alone show off his power.
He was there to fight against Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd and the entire Machine Empire, even. He’s a long-running member of the Rangers and without him, they might not be where they are today. Adam Park’s inclusion in three different iterations of the team means he’s got to be at least a little powerful, right?
Leanbow: Mystic Force Wolf Warrior
‘Power Rangers: Mystic Force’ (2006)
Power Rangers: Mystic Force is a fan favorite in the wide lineup of the franchise. The unique power set of the Rangers of this series has allowed for some really cool and different types of heroes that audiences can only find in this show. One of the best examples of great Rangers this season is Leanbow (Chris Graham), the Mystic Force Wolf Warrior. This warrior is a fierce one and falls from the typical Power Rangers trope of “evil ranger gets better and becomes a member of the team.”
Much like previous Rangers like him, he’s absurdly strong and when he eventually joined the Mystic Force team, he acted as their “tank” of sorts. He was the muscle. When they needed a wall or train to send at enemies, the Mystic Force Wolf Warrior stepped in. His extreme strength and power aren’t the only abilities in his vast “Wolf Warrior” utility belt. He can also manipulate fire and heat overall, a power no one else holds in the Mystic Force series.
Robert “RJ” James: Jungle Fury Purple Ranger
‘Power Rangers: Jungle Fury’ (2008)
While RJ James (David de Lautour) may not have any special superpowers or be an android (more on that later), being the mentor to the Rangers of Power Rangers: Jungle Fury makes him a guaranteed powerhouse not to be reckoned with. He has physical prowess unlike any of those surrounding him, and it makes him a powerful force for good when he gets into his Ranger form.
But brawn isn’t the most important part of being a Ranger. Next to his skills as a master martial artist, RJ is also a brilliant engineer, as he is the primary creator of most of his team’s gear and weaponry. Going as far as to even be the creator of some of the team’s own morphers. Not to mention, the Wolf spirit is one of the strongest of all the Jungle Fury spirits. All of this goes to make RJ one of the strongest Rangers of all time, through sheer skill alone. – Eddie Possehl
Mackenzie “Mack” Hartford: Red Overdrive Ranger
‘Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive’ (2007)
At the start of Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive, Mack Hartford (James MacLurcan) believes he is the biological son of billionaire Andrew Hartford (Rod Lousich). However, it is later revealed that Mack is, in all actuality, an android. This marked a huge moment in Mack’s character journey and took a toll on him for a good minute.
But, as predicted, being an android meant he had some abilities unlike any other human. Mack particularly had incredible strength, even for a Ranger. This also meant that injuries that could potentially be fatal for other Rangers, would be less serious for Mack. He also managed to combine the power of the Sentinel Knight with his Ranger form to create the Red Sentinel Ranger. The Sentinel Knight was deemed to be too powerful for any Ranger to possess. Any human Ranger, that is. – Eddie Possehl
Flynn McAllistair: RPM Blue Ranger
‘Power Rangers RPM’ (2009)
If there’s anyone who knows how to get in gear, it’s Flynn McAllistair (Ari Boyland) the Power Rangers RPM Blue Ranger. It’d be hard to find a Ranger who has the ability to literally manipulate time itself. That’s right, Power Rangers RPM’s Blue Ranger can freeze time. The power is so strong that he actually only got to use it a handful of times in the actual show, which meant the writers probably understood the mistake they’d made giving him such an incredible power, and needed to tone him down a bit.
Using the power of the electrons in the surrounding bio-field, Flynn can manage to take control of them to freeze time for up to 10 seconds. For anyone who’s seen any Power Rangers series, it’s pretty well known that 10 seconds is all a Ranger sometimes needs to take a baddie out. – Eddie Possehl
Amelia Jones: Dino Fury Pink & Red Ranger/Cosmic Fury Red Ranger
‘Power Rangers Dino Fury’ (2021) & ‘Power Rangers Cosmic Fury’ (2023)
Of the recent Power Rangers seasons, Amelia Jones may be one of, if not the most, important Rangers. She, essentially, became the main character of the final three seasons of the Power Rangers timeline fans have been watching since the iconic Mighty Morphin Power Rangers debut series. That’s right, for those who don’t know, the mainline Power Rangers timeline has concluded and it was Amelia who led the charge to finish off the cosmic threats facing the universe once and for all.
She may have started as the Pink Ranger for Power Rangers Dino Fury, but she soon graduated to the show’s Red Ranger and went on to continue being the Red Ranger for Power Rangers Cosmic Fury. But, to many’s surprise, it was revealed she’s actually an alien who possesses some incredible power. She has full-on telepathy, giving her the abilities of memory reading, mind-melding, memory projection, memory transferral and full-blown telepathic communication. Quite the power set, even for a Ranger. – Eddie Possehl
Zayto: Dino Fury Red Ranger, Dino Fury Zenith Ranger, Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger and Zenith Morphin Master
‘Power Rangers Dino Fury’ (2021) & ‘Power Rangers Cosmic Fury’ (2023)
Before Amelia Jones (Hunter Deno) became the Red Ranger, the Rafkonian known as Zayto (Russell Curry) donned the mantle and mentored the team of Rangers. He was a great choice to lead the team in their early days as he is an experienced Ranger and incredibly powerful in comparison to others.
With Rafkonian physiology, he has astounding telepathic abilities like Amelia, but on top of those, he would also go on to harness the powers of the strong Zenith Ranger and Zenith Morphin Master. These abilities would put his strength onto a whole new scale, unlike any that his team around him had.
Orion: Super Megaforce Silver Ranger
‘Power Rangers Super Megaforce’ (2014)
Although being one of the weakest Power Rangers series, the Rangers of Power Rangers Megaforce and Power Rangers Super Megaforce had power unlike any other: the ability to harness the forms and powers of previous Rangers. Which, already, is a pretty powerful ability. But the Super Megaforce Rangers’ Silver Ranger, Orion (Cameron Jebo), had more power than all of the others combined.
When needed, Orion can become the Super Megaforce Gold Ranger, which allows him to harness the abilities of every single sixth Legacy Ranger in history. Giving him powers from the likes of Tommy Oliver, Trent Mercer (Jeffery Parazzo), the S.P.D. Omega Ranger (Brett Stewart) and 12 other Ranger forms. One Ranger is tough enough, but a Ranger with the powers of 15 other Rangers combined? That’s some amazing power. – Eddie Possehl
Wes Collins: Time Force Red Ranger
‘Power Rangers: Time Force’ (2001)
Wes Collins (Jason Faunt) is one of the rare Red Rangers that isn’t the leader of his team. That honor would go to Jen Scotts (Erin Cahill), the Pink Ranger, who should be an honorable mention on this list. After Alex, the original Red Time Force Ranger, seemingly dies, the Rangers go back in time and recruit Wes.
Wes went from being disrespected to being a trusted member of the team throughout the Power Rangers series, he also was one of the few Red Rangers to get their own battle mode, known as the Battilizer. He was equipped with a sword and wings to fly, and he fought Ransik and his army solo.
Trent Mercer: Dino Thunder White Ranger
‘Power Rangers: Dino Thunder’ (2004)
The White Dino Ranger was a powerful entry into the long line of Sixth Rangers. Of course, he started out evil, and was stronger than every Ranger. Possessing the Drago Morpher, he wielded not one, but two, Zords, the Dragozord, and the Stegozord.
He also had the ability of super speed and camouflage, which was the ability of the Red and Black Ranger in this series. Additionally, he could combine both Zords to form his own Megazord, while piloting it solo. The White Drago Sword is also one of the coolest weapons in Power Rangers’ history.
Adam Park: Mighty Morphin Black Ranger & Zeo/Turbo Green Ranger
‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ (1993 – 1995)
Adam’s (Johnny Yong Bosch) tenure as a Ranger is one of the longest the series has ever seen, spanning three series and Power Ranger teams (and even making it to the Power Rangers cinematic universe). Adam took over for Zack, who was the original Black Ranger and second in command behind Jason (before Tommy returned).
Adam was always highly trusted as a teammate, and it’s arguable that in Zeo and Turbo, he is second in command to Tommy, even in front of Rocky. He makes an appearance in In Space, where he takes on dozens of enemies by himself, without the use of a morpher.
Merrick Baliton: Wild Force Lunar Wolf Ranger
‘Power Rangers: Wild Force’ (2002)
Another Sixth Ranger who is much stronger than the usual team (there is a trend here), Merrick (Phillip Andrew) was from an ancient civilization, and he used the Wolf Mask to save it, but in the process it corrupted his being and he was possessed by the evil Org Zen-Aku.
This version of Merrick was a very powerful foe to the Wild Force Rangers, showcasing his immense strength and combat prowess. Despite his initial antagonistic role, Merrick eventually broke free from Zen-Aku’s influence and purified the mask, purging its corruption and becoming the Lunar Wolf Ranger. He aided the other five in combat, but never fully integrated to be part of the team. Merrick’s portrayal offered viewers a nuanced portrayal of a hero burdened by his past.
Eric Myers: Time Force Quantum Ranger
‘Power Rangers: Time Force’ (2001)
The Sixth Ranger of the Time Force Rangers, Eric Myers (Daniel Southworth) is definitely one of the biggest jerks in all of Power Rangers. He is resentful and selfish, gaining the powers of the Quantum Morpher by force to further his career as a soldier – he’s definitely a hated TV character.
He wields the Quantasaurus Rex zord, making him incredibly powerful. The Q-Rex lacks a cockpit for a Ranger, but is controlled through voice command on the Quantum Morpher. Eric still has a cold demeanor, but eventually will find himself teaming up with the Rangers in the interest of the city.
Andros: Red Space Ranger
‘Power Rangers: In Space’ (1998)
Andros (Christopher Khayman Lee) is a beast. He is the second-strongest Red Ranger in the entire franchise. This man faced down a room full of the Rangers’ greatest enemies, including Astronema, Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, and more, in the same room and made it out alive.
Prior to teaming up with the Turbo Rangers, Andros patrolled the galaxy for two whole years by himself after Zhane, the Silver Space Ranger, was injured. He also saved the galaxy by destroying Zordon, whose energy blast destroyed all evil, including the aforementioned Rangers’ greatest enemies.
Anubis Cruger: S.P.D. Shadow Ranger
‘Power Rangers: SPD’ (2005)
The only Ranger on this list that isn’t a human, Anubis (John Tui) is a Sirian, an anthropomorphic dog-like race with scaly skin. He is technically a Sixth Ranger, but is also the Commanding Officer of the SPD squad, he picks them to be Rangers and also trains them.
“Doggie” as they call him, is an incredibly talented swordsman and possesses one of the most memorable weapons on the show, the Shadow Saber. Doggie is not only one of the strongest Rangers, he is also one of the wisest and most experienced. Even if he comes off as stubborn at times, he always has his squad’s best interest at heart.
Magna Defender
‘Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy’ (1999)
Aesthetically, Magna Defender (Kerrigan Mahan) is the coolest Ranger of all time. A warrior from 3,000 years ago, he possessed the body of Mike, Leo’s (The Red Ranger) brother, and swore revenge against Scorpius and Trakeena for the death of his son and the destruction of his planet. Along with his sword, which could also turn into a blaster, he wields the Torozord, both of which are dangerously strong.
Though they have common enemies, Magna Defender is ruthless and will fight through the Rangers and civilians if it means he gets the revenge he desires, even though it goes against what he stood for 3,000 years ago. He eventually sacrifices himself to release Mike and stop the near-doomsday destruction he caused.
Jason Lee Scott: Mighty Morphin Red Ranger
‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ (1993)
It’s hard to beat the original, despite how far-reaching the franchise’s surprising multiverse has become. The first Red Ranger and the leader of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Jason (Austin St. John) possessed the powers of the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin. Jason is one of the strongest Rangers ever, and is considered by fans to be the best Red Ranger. He is a great leader, he’s the first to take responsibility, and the first to jump into action when someone is in trouble.
Jason gives his power coin to Rocky, effectively ending his run as the Red Ranger. However, Jason returns in Zeo to assist the Zeo Rangers and become the Gold Zeo Ranger. These powers were temporarily given to him by Trey of Triforia.
Tommy Oliver: Green/White Mighty Morphin Ranger; Red Zeo/Turbo Ranger, Black Dino Ranger
The Power Rangers Franchise
Jason David Frank as Tommy Oliver is not only the strongest Power Ranger, but by far the most iconic and recognizable character spanning across multiple series of the show. He appeared in 193 episodes throughout Mighty Morphin, Zeo, Turbo before being reintroduced as Dr. Tommy Oliver in Dino Thunder.
He, of course, started off as the evil Green Ranger and gave the original five Mighty Morphin Rangers a handful, defeating them on his own more than once. After his Green Ranger powers were destroyed, Zordon granted him the powers of the Tigerzord, becoming the White Ranger (arguably the best Power Ranger of all time). He is the strongest “Sixth Ranger” of all-time, and was also a strong leader and Red Ranger for a while as well.