Spanning nine generations and over 1000 kinds, Pokémon is a staple of the Nintendo that continues to reel in players from all over the world. Pokémon is one of the most successful gaming franchises of all time, so it’s no surprise there are so many Pokémon over the course of 38 core games. When it comes down to it, though, which Pokémon are the most powerful in the series?
Well, here is our ranking of the 15 most powerful Pokémon from all the mainline games. When compiling this list, we took into consideration a combo of game stats and in-game Pokédex entries that give us a sense of the canon abilities these Pokémon have in the larger world of the video games. So, without further ado, here are the 15 most powerful Pokémon.
Introduced in Generation 2
Suicune is a Water type Legendary and one of the three Legendary beasts resurrected by the Legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh. (Spoilers: Ho-Oh is also on this list.) Suicune is the most iconic of the three legendary beasts, with appearances in multiple games, both mainline and spinoff. In the Pokémon Crystal lore, Suicune is the closest of the Legendary beasts to Ho-Oh, and has the ability to purify water. Suicune is definitely one of the more mellow legendary Pokémon compared to the rest that will be found on this list.
Introduced in Generation 8
In the ancient history of the Galar region, two wolf-like Pokémon stood alongside two human heroes to avert a disaster called the Darkest Day. The younger wolf, Zamazenta, could absorb metal to change into a defensive form that could withstand any attack. After their job was completed, Zamazenta and its counterpart, Zacian, went into a dormant state until the time came when Galar needed them again.
While Zamazenta cannot compare to the destructive capabilities of Zacian, it’s more than deserving of its status as a heroic warrior of old. When it assumes its Crowned Shield form, Zamazenta’s defenses are impenetrable, made even better by its Dauntlet Shield ability, which further strengthens its defensive resolve when the battle begins. It’s also deceptively fast, unlike other defensive Pokémon, so while it might not hit as hard as others, it can outlast and outspeed most opponents.
Introduced in Generation 5
The legendary trio of the Unova Region are three dragons who were once one, but split when two princes fought a war over truths and ideals. The white dragon, Reshiram, represents truth, and can exhale powerful fire blasts to decimate kingdoms who ignore truth for greed. Most of the time, Reshiram sleeps in the form of the Light Stone, but it will awaken to fight alongside a hero who proves themselves worthy.
If destroying kingdoms wasn’t powerful enough, Reshiram’s Fire-Dragon typing helps to negate several common weaknesses of both types, such as Water, Fairy, and Ice. It prefers to stay at a range during battle to unleash its signature attack, Blue Flare, which has a high chance of leaving targets burned if they aren’t taken out. Fortunately, since Reshiram bonds with someone it considers a hero, it generally won’t unleash its full force unless commanded.
Introduced in Generation 2
Lugia’s ability to control the Articuno, Zapados, and Moltres in the Gold and Silver games is enough reason alone for the Legendary Pokémon to be added to this list as one of the most powerful; factor in its ability to create storms with its massive wings, and you have one impressive Legendary Pokémon. It is a cover Legendary that rivals Ho-Oh and asserts dominance over the other three Legendary birds. Impressive feats all around.
Introduced in Generation 2
Ho-Oh is an incredibly powerful and iconic Legendary Pokémon. Originally debuting on the second generation of games, Pokémon Gold and Silver, Ho-Oh gets a place on this list thanks to the incredible lore surrounding the Legendary Pokémon. Ho-Oh is the guardian of the skies and, after a terrible tragedy befell three other Pokémon, Ho-Oh used its ability to resurrect the dead to transform them into the three other “Legendary Beasts” in the game: Raikou, Entei, and Suicune.
Introduced in Generation 5
Zekrom is the sleek black Legendary Pokémon that is a counterpart to Reshiram in the Pokémon Black and White games. Hailing from the Unova region, Zekrom is one of the less powerful Legendaries, but still useful and popular thanks to its Electric/Dragon-type pairing. According to Pokédex entries, Zekrom can create large amounts of electric energy and stop any and all air resistance. Zekrom is definitely the most powerful, even stat-wise, with a large base attack stat. Zekrom is arguably the second most powerful of the Tao Trio from the Black and White games.
Introduced in Generation 7
Pokémon has long toyed with the idea of parallel universes, and the legendaries of the Alola Region were a great chance to expand on the idea. Both begin as the adorable Cosmog, but if it is female, then her final evolution will be Lunala. This Ghost and Psychic-type can open wormholes leading to other universes and drain all surrounding light to increase her power.
As if blanketing daylight in a veil of darkness wasn’t already impressive, Lunala is protected by its ability, Shadow Shield, which can reduce the damage she would take from super-effective attacks if at full vitality. Her signature attack, Moongeist Beam, is a beam of concentrated moonlight that always hits, regardless of the target’s defensive capabilities. The only thing holding her back is that, once the Shadow Shield is broken, Lunala can’t take too many hits before going down, but if the fight turns against her, Lunala can open a wormhole and flee.
Introduced in Generation 7
Solgaleo is the Legendary Pokémon from Pokémon Sun on the Nintendo 3DS, and is a Psychic/Steel-type Pokémon that is on this list, as opposed to Lunala, because of its typing and abilities. The Psychic and Steel pairing allows the Legendary Pokémon to be resistant to nine different Pokémon types, giving those who capture Solgaleo quite the advantage. Solgaelo, according to his Pokédex entry, is said to be able to hold vast amounts of energy.
Introduced in Generation 8
Calyrex, introduced in the Pokémon Sword and Shield expansions, is on this list because of its inherent ability to merge with fellow Legendaries, also introduced in the expansion of the Nintendo Switch entry. Depending on what game a player owns, Calyrex can either merge with Spectrier or Glastrier. The ability to fuse with another Legendary puts Calyrex in a whole other league, making Calyrex immensely more powerful than in its original form.
Introduced in Generation 8
Zacian, one of the Legendaries from the Pokémon Sword and Shield games, is a Pokémon that has a lot going for it in terms of its interesting design while also being one of the most powerful Fairy types in the game. Add to that its Pokédex entry, which says it has the ability to even slice an ocean in two if need be. This is thanks to its crowned form, a transformation that allows Zacian to be at its full power. This is a truly formidable Legendary.
Introduced in Generation 1
When scientists found a sample of DNA belonging to the elusive Pokémon, Mew, they used it in a project to create the world’s most powerful Pokémon. The result was dubbed Mewtwo and subjected to numerous brutal experiments designed to draw out the full extent of its power. The experiments succeeded but also hardened Mewtwo’s heart to humanity, so it broke free and secluded itself in Cerulean Cave.
While other legendary Pokémon have eclipsed Mewtwo’s title as the world’s strongest, its psychic abilities allow it to stand toe to toe with titans despite being of human creation. Since its heart lacks compassion, Mewtwo shows no remorse in battle and can use its powers to alter the weather or manifest a powerful attack called Psystrike, which deals physical damage despite being classified as a special move. Using a Mega Stone from the Kalos region, Mewtwo can assume two different forms: Mewtwo X, which has stretchy arms to deliver powerful physical blows, or Mewtwo Y, which brings Mewtwo’s psychic powers to their apex.
Introduced in Generation 6
The Kalos region is home to many beautiful and popular Pokémon, but it is also home to one of the deadliest Pokémon, Yveltal. This Dark and Flying-type goes through a cycle of waking and sleeping with its Fairy-type counterpart, Xerneas. When Yveltal spreads its wings and tail, it drains the life energy of all living things around it.
In battle, Yveltal’s Dark Aura increases the power of its Oblivion Wing attack, which transfers life energy from whoever is struck by it to Yveltal. Though these powers are terrifying, Yveltal plays an important part in the natural order by representing death, decay, and the inevitable end of all living things. Even Yveltal cannot live forever, and when it dies, it uses the life energy around it to turn into a cocoon until it is time to be reborn.
Introduced in Generation 6
Xerneas is another Legendary Pokémon with an absolutely ridiculous Pokédex entry behind it. The first Fairy-type Legendary in the franchise, Xerneas is said to be able to grant eternal life. The only reason it isn’t higher on the list is that when it is drained of energy, Xerneas turns into a tree and sleeps for 1,000 years. Xerneas also boasts an impressive stat-boosting signature move that increases special attacks and defense.
Introduced in Generation 5
Earlier in the list, it was mentioned that Zekrom was the second most powerful of the Tao Trio from the Pokémon Black and White games. The most powerful would be Kyurem, the third of the trio of Legendaries. Thanks to its incredible dominance over ice, Kyurem is said to be able to control Zekrom or Reshiram. When doing so, it reaches its ultimate form, becoming one of the two Legendaries. Because of that, it ranks high in its ability to take the stats of either of those two Legendaries to make it even more powerful than it already is.
Introduced in Generation 8
Twenty thousand years ago, a meteorite struck the world, carrying with it an alien Dragon and Poison-type Pokémon called Eternatus. Three thousand years ago, it awoke in the Galar region and blanketed the sky in an event that came to be known as the Darkest Day. The energy it unleashed caused Pokémon to undergo a process called Dynamaxing, where they grow to gargantuan size and unleash new, devastating attacks.
At the height of its power, Eternatus resembles a gargantuan hand-shaped vortex that hangs in the sky, destroying the landscape with its impressive Eternabeam attack. Following its defeat by two human heroes, Zamazenta and Zacian, its energy was dispersed across Galar, creating specific locations where Pokémon can temporarily Dynamax. Should it fight a Dynamax Pokémon, Eternatus can either re-absorb its energy to make them revert, or blast them with its Dynamax Canon.
Introduced in Generation 3
When the Pokémon world was new, the Super Ancient Pokémon, Kyogre, created never-ending rain to fill the oceans. This brought it into conflict with its counterpart on land, Groudon, until they were quelled by the lord of the sky, Rayquaza. Kyogre was put to sleep deep beneath the waves, while most of its power was sealed away in an item called the Blue Orb.
Without the Blue Orb, Kyogre is still a terrifying foe, and its presence brings rain, which increases the power of its Water-type attacks. Should it regain the Blue Orb, however, Kyogre can transform into its true form and unleash all the power of the Primordial Sea. This new rainstorm is so powerful that not only does it completely negate Fire-type attacks, but unless stopped, the heavy rain could transform the world into a singular ocean.
Introduced in Generation 3
Groudon is an interesting Legendary because it’s a Ground type, a rarity among the Legendary Pokémon. With the ability of Primal Reversion and crazy attack stats—plus its lore in the Hoenn region explaining it’s able to cause volcanic eruptions and droughts by evaporating water in its surroundings—Groudon is a Legendary Pokémon not to be trifled with.
Introduced in Generation 1
While Mew may be a more lighthearted Legendary, it is still one of the most powerful. This small and adorable Legendary Pokémon is one of the first to be introduced in the series. Mew is technically a “mythic” Pokémon because of how it is obtained, not just by in-game means but through outside real-world events players participate in. Mew is said to hold the DNA of every single Pokémon within itself. Because of that, Mew is definitely one of the most powerful mythic Pokémon in the entire series.
Introduced in Generation 3
Rayquaza has a truly unique history, being the Legendary Dragon type that put a stop to the conflict between Kyogre and Groudon that nearly destroyed the Hoenn region and humanity as a whole. Also having a mega evolution, Rayquaza is an incredibly powerful Legendary Pokémon that has been able to put other elemental legendaries in their places, putting it higher up on the list than the previously mentioned Groudon. Rayquaza also has the ability to fly at extreme speeds in the air, making it a dangerous Pokémon.
Introduced in Generation 6
There seems to be a pattern in the Pokémon franchise with a trio of Legendaries. Two butt heads, and the third arrives to intervene and overpower both. This is somewhat the case for Zygarde, a Legendary with multiple forms that, when combined to 100%, is one of the most powerful Legendary Pokémons in existence. Even more interestingly, the different cores that make up this Legendary Pokémon’s different forms all act independently.