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James Gunn Was Initially Against Superman’s Red Trunks Until David Corenswet Sold Him on It — GeekTyrant Find help us

When the first set photos from James Gunn’s Superman leaked, one detail dominated fan conversations… the return of Superman’s red trunks.

For years, the trunks have been absent, and were scrapped during Henry Cavill’s era by Zack Snyder in an effort to modernize the character’s aesthetic. Gunn, too, was initially resistant to bringing them back. But that changed thanks to a pitch from Superman star David Corenswet.

While speaking on the set of Superman earlier this year, Gunn admitted: “I was on the no trunks team for a long time.” The filmmaker initially explored both looks, testing various costume designs with and without the trunks. But it was Corenswet who offered a fresh perspective that made Gunn change his mind.

Gunn explained: “David said something that really struck me. He said Superman wants kids to not be afraid of him. He’s an alien with these incredible powers—he shoots beams out of his eyes and can do things that might terrify people.

“But he doesn’t want to be scary. He wants to be a symbol of hope and positivity. So he dresses like a professional wrestler, in a way that makes people unafraid of him. That clicked for me.”

Corenswet’s take on the trunks highlighted a fun and interesting philosophy about the character. For Superman to embody hope, his costume needed to embrace its colorful and vibrant origins.

Gunn continued: “Trying to pretend that Superman’s costume doesn’t have some frivolity at its base is silly. He’s the first superhero, brightly colored, and that’s who he is.”

While some fans may still debate whether the red trunks are too campy, Gunn stands by the choice. He sees it as a reflection of Superman’s essence and a beacon of optimism and warmth.

We’ll get to see Superman in action wearing his red trunks in the first trailer for the film, which is set to debut tomorrow.

Superman will launch in theaters on July 11, 2025.

Via: Gizmodo

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