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BRAVEHEART Poster Art Created by Artist Yvan Quinet Find help us

Hero Complex Gallery has released this great poster art for Mel Gibson’s Braveheart. The print is called “Freedom,” and it was created by artist Yvan Quinet.

When I was in high school, I watched Braveheart in the theaters 7 times. It’s still holds the record for most times I’ve watched a movie in the movie theater. I loved this movie!

Braveheart is an epic historical drama that tells the story of William Wallace, a 13th-century Scottish warrior who leads his countrymen in a rebellion against English rule. So much of the actual history is inaccurate in the movie, but it still made for a great movie!

After the brutal execution of his wife by English soldiers, Wallace rises as a reluctant but charismatic leader, rallying the Scottish clans to fight for freedom and independence.

The film portrays Wallace’s personal sacrifices, fierce battles, and enduring patriotism in the face of betrayal and overwhelming odds. The film received critical acclaim, winning five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

The 24×36 print is a limited edition of 100 and if you want one it will cost $75.

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