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Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese Reviving Their H.H. Holmes Film THE DEVIL IN THE WHITE CITY — GeekTyrant Find help us

it looks like Leonardo DiCaprio and director Martin Scorsese are finally going to be making their H.H. Holmes film, The Devil in the White City.

They have been attached to this project for years, and it has gone through various stages of development. At one point was being developed as a series at Hulu with Keanu Reeves attached to star, but that project fell apart.

Now the project is being developed as a film again, and DiCaprio is in talks to star with Scorsese in talks to direct. DiCaprio and Scorsese would also produce.

Deadline say that there is currently no script for the the movie, which is based on the book Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic and Madness at the Fair That Changed America , so I guess they are starting from scratch.

The film tells the true story of Daniel H. Burnham, “a demanding but visionary architect who races to make his mark on history with the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, and Dr. H. H. Holmes, America’s first modern serial killer and the man behind the notorious ‘Murder Castle’ built in the Fair’s shadow.”

Holmes admitted to killing 27 people, but in reality is said to have killed closer to 200 people. “He built The World’s Fair Hotel, which was an inn for people to stay at while visiting, and the sociopath used his charming demeanor to lure guests into his hotel, which has since come to be known as the murder castle.

“The castle included a gas chamber, crematorium, and a dissecting table where he would murder his victims and strip their skeletons to sell for medical and scientific study. When Holmes was arrested, he told the police:

“I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing — I was born with the ‘Evil One’ standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with me since.”

DiCaprio first landed rights to the book in 2010, and the report says that “following a meeting with 20th Century execs, all parties were on board to tell this story at the theatrical level.’

The story of H.H. Holmes is an increidbly dark and fascinating one, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing this story told on the big screen, so I’m excited that it’s actually moving forward.

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