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Mel Gibson Looking To Shoot His THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST Sequel Next Year Find help us

Mel Gibson recently offered an update on his The Passion of the Christ sequel, revealing that the title is The Resurrection of the Christ, and that he is hoping to shoot it next year.

Gibson talked about the sequel while a guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast, calling it an acid trip: “I’m hoping next year sometime. There’s a lot required because it’s an acid trip.”

He went on to say that he’d “never read anything like” the script, which Gibson’s been writing alongside Randall Wallace.

He continued offering some details: “My brother and I and Randall all sort of congregated on this. So there’s some good heads put together, but there’s some crazy stuff.

“And I think in order to really tell the story properly you have to really start with the fall of the angels, which means you’re in another place, you’re in another realm. You need to go to hell. You need to go to Sheol.”

Gibson said that he plans to bring Jim Caviezel back to the role of Jesus. Gibson said he would need to incorporate “a few techniques” such as CGI de-aging on Caviezel since more than 20 years have passed since the first film.  

Gibson described the film as “very ambitious” and said the story not only covers “the fall of the angels” but also “the death of the last apostle.”

He said: “It’s about finding the way in that’s not cheesy or too obvious. I think I have ideas about how to do that and how to evoke things and emotions in people from the way you depict it and the way you shoot it.

“So I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. It’s not going to be easy and it’s going to require a lot of planning and I’m not wholly sure I can pull it off to tell you the truth, it’s super ambitious.

“But I’ll take a crack at it because that’s what you got to do, right, walk up to the plate, right?” 

Gibson previously talked about the movie saying that its “not a linear narrative,” adding that “you have to juxtapose the central event that I’m trying to tell with everything else around it in the future, in the past, and in other realms, and that’s kind of getting a little sci-fi out there.”

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